Ideas for Staying on Track in 2018

You’ve put away your holiday decorations and finally have 2018 in your sights. But perhaps you’re getting off on the wrong foot. Are you finding yourself hitting the snooze button one too many times? Has the holiday season taken some of your zeal for work away? Loving your 9 to 5 doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are some tips to kick your new year off right in the office.

Learn Something New

Think about what your business could benefit from (design skills, leadership training, multimedia software, etc.) and try to incorporate that into your business in the upcoming year to elevate what you can offer your clients. Are there online tutorials you can take to develop your skills? Or are there classes nearby that can expand your understanding of the industry you work in? Push yourself and your business to set yourself apart from others in your field.

Compliment Your Coworkers or Employees

You just survived another holiday rush and your employees or coworkers were there along for the ride with you. Take a moment to let them know how much you appreciate their efforts. It’s been said that positive reinforcement will increase productivity when people know they are valued. So set aside time quarterly to remind them of your appreciation or admiration and make it a habit throughout the year.

Reduce Stress

When that all-too-familiar pinch starts creeping up your neck, threatening a tension headache, take a time out and step away from your desk. Take a walk outside for a refreshing reset or listen to relaxing music to meditate. Is there something you can do after hours to eliminate more work-related stress? Many people enroll in yoga or a variety of gym classes, and others sign up for local painting courses. Find something that works well for you.

Rent Office Space to Increase Productivity

If you usually work from home, coming back from the holiday season could end up feeling like an extended vacation spent primarily on your couch. You could guarantee productivity and advance your business if you consider renting an office in a business center. Take advantage of the opportunity to mingle with like-minded professionals, as well as offer a quiet office for clients in a space that’s conducive to business meetings. If this interests you, contact us so we can help!

Here is wishing you a happy and productive new year!


14900 Interurban Ave. S, Suite 271, Seattle, WA  98168